The Basics- Speech Communication評價評比
The Basics- Speech Communication評價評比,真的不錯,人氣蠻不錯,看完後有一種說不出的感動!
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The Basics- Speech Communication評價評比 開箱文 博客來網路書店
內容簡介: 博客來書店 The Basics of Speech Communication targets effective oral communication skills used in day-to-day living. Short, concise content deliver博客來網路書店s a thorough approach with clear-cut examples and exercises to reinforce learning. Use of current technology including the Internet have been incorporated throughout as well as the SCANS workplace readiness skills. Humor is also added to emphasize key principles and concepts.
The Basics- Speech Communication評價評比 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Paul R. Timm
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2001/11/26
- 語言:英文
The Basics- Speech Communication評價評比 評比 博客來網路書局
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